Last Updated on March 13, 2021 by Magdalena Zwolak
From our president, Bill Blackman:

In this blog we’re sharing personal thoughts on how you can have a more beautiful life. We’ll also update you on Hearts and Minds, the End Poverty Campaign℠ and how you can help change the world.
There will be an additional focus in many of these posts:
How much better can your life be? A lot, I imagine. I know mine is getting better day by day, thanks to many things I’m learning that I’ll share with you.
We’ll also continue themes we’ve already developed, for example:
How much of a difference can one person make? Plenty.
That’s a basic message of Hearts & Minds. And together we can help change the whole world. But we’re very realistic here, we only change one planet at a time… 🙂
This blog, updated on an occasional basis, shares my personal thoughts, inspirations, frustrations and successes building an effective End Poverty Campaign and working for Hearts & Minds. We’ll also share ideas from other Hearts & Minds volunteers.
We’ve had past successes helping millions of people, but we want to do much more. As we work towards even more ambitious but still achievable goals, this blog is a first-hand story of how an all-volunteer organization is creating something of perhaps unlimited potential, unfolding as you read this…
I also want to share how strongly I believe you can make a very big difference…
Comments? Questions? You can contact me using our contact form here or post a comment below.