Press Releases
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Disrupting Poverty
A volunteer organization uses creative impatience. Their goal? To help millions in need lift themselves from extreme poverty. Sooner.
New Ways to End Poverty
NEW YORK, NY – At a time of growing income inequality, cynicism and extremism, a nonprofit has ideas that can change the world. Hearts and Minds℠, founded in 1996 by Bill Blackman, is launching its new website, crowdfunding and social media campaign for its most inspiring idea to date – together, we can help end extreme global poverty more quickly.
Background on Bill Blackman
As a Madison Avenue advertising and marketing veteran, Bill Blackman was successful at increasing clients’ sales and visibility.
When he founded Hearts and Minds℠ in 1996, he again identified a need and filled it, demonstrating a knack that his professional clients prized highly. However, this time the bottom line had nothing to do with profits. It had everything to do with helping people.
From the Archive: Rising Food Prices Threaten Mass Starvation
Hearts and Minds℠ is working to educate the public about the growing, global crisis caused by rising food prices. They are building a large scale campaign to deal with the growing tragedy.